Arise O’ My children. Awake from your sleep.
Do you not see what is happening around you?
The time is near. The time has come, claim your salvation.
Grasp it with both hands and battle for your eternity.
For I offer a prize that cannot be matched.
Yet those who slumber shall miss its coming.
For those who rise early and stay on the path,
They shall see the gains and their just rewards.
The prize is great. The time is shortened.
Your talents are dormant and not fully used.
Arise O’ children, hold onto your faith
And step out into the world and claim your reward.
Have faith in Me O’ children; I shall answer your call.
I have called you to Me, I shall be your shield.
Get up O’ slumbering youth and answer your elders,
March out to the battle that faces you on every side.
Do you not know of the war that is around you?
Do you not see that death waits at your door?
Arise O’ My children, I want you beside Me.
Get up O’ My children and answer My call.